Friday 10 February 2012

·         Translated as  ‘Grace’ or ‘Favour’
·         She would be the righteous mother of Samuel
·         First Samuel starts off with HER story of faith, suffering, obedience and strength.
·         There are obvious parallels between Hannah and ST. ELIZABETH. Hannah gives birth to Samuel who points the way to the earthly Kings Saul and David; St.Elizabeth gives birth to St.John the Baptist who points the way to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings
·         There are also parallels between Hannah and the Virgin Mary. See for example Hannah’s Song     ( 1 Samuel 2 : 1 – 11 ) and Mary’s Song of the Magnificat ( Luke 1:45 – 55)
·         Translated as  ‘Acquired by God’
·         He would be the righteous father of Samuel
·         He had two wives – Hannah and Peninnah
Although he was a polygamist God would use his situation to bring about salvation to the Hebrew People and glory to Himself.
·         Translated as  ‘God Heard’
·         Born 1105 B.C.
·         The Judge that anointed King Saul and King David
Do remember from the Book of Judges that a ‘Judge’ for the Hebrew People was not just a judge that we would describe but he / she would be for the Jews a legal, governing arbitrator; a military leader and most of all a PROPHET
·         Translated as  ‘Coral’
·         Had children by Elkanah
·         “Tormented” Hannah

·         Translated as ‘High'
·         One of the last Judges of Israel
·         Mentor of  Samuel
·         Had two sons – Hophni and Phinehas who were priests of the Lord
These sons were corrupt priests of the Lord

1.       The Hebrew People called out for a king. Why? Do you suspect what may happen? Why?  

2.       In our age who do look to as our kings and queens? What is your experience of such kings and queens?

1 comment:

  1. 1. The Hebrews were frustrated with their situation, saw other places that had a king for a leader, and wanted what the others had. People never seem to be satisfied with what they have. What typically happens when people get what they want….they don’t want it anymore. It is sometimes not as good as what they thought it would be. It can be a case of “be careful what you wish for”. They want a king to lead them, and then they don’t like what the king wants them to do.
    2. If we are speaking literally, in our country, the only kings and queens that we would typically look to are those in England. I have very limited experience of them, other than what I have seen and heard through the media.
