Friday 10 February 2012

·     Originally ‘First Book of Samuel ‘ and “Second Book of Samuel’
       were one united Book within the Hebrew Scriptures

·    In 200 B.C. they became two separated Books in the Hebrew Scriptures.     
      This was the (Pre-Christian) Greek translation of the Bible known as the SEPTUAGINT.        
      It was this translation that St.Jerome used to pen the LATIN VULGATE,
      the ‘ancestor’ of our modern day Bible.

·    It would seem ‘ natural ‘ for the Hebrew People to divide the Book of Samuel into two parts since the first would focus on Samuel and the first King – King Saul and the second would focus on Samuel and the second King – King David.

·    Thus it would be that Samuel would provide the link between the two Books.

·    The FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL follows the Book of Judges (with the Book of Ruth,
      a righteous woman of faith between the Book of Judges and the Book of Samuel ).
      This represents the shift of the Hebrew People from being led on earth by JUDGES
      to being led by earthly KINGS. Thus the Book of Judges concludes with the line - 
      “In those days there was no king in Israel, and everyone did as they saw fit.” Judges 21:25

This sentence was the bridge into the world of Samuel and the earthly kings.
This would then mark the last of the two Judges (Eli and Samuel)
and the first of the two kings (King Saul and King David)

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